📄️ Can I work with my publishers in a revenue share model
Yes, you can send multiple event postbacks to your publishers.
📄️ Do you have an API? How do I get an API key?
Yes, documentation of our API is available upon request.
📄️ Why do I see more triggers than visits in the dashboard?
It is possible to see more triggers than visits in the dashboard because each visit can contain multiple Incidences.
📄️ Which integration method should I use?
There are three main integration methods to choose from when using Opticks: OpticksJS javascript integration, Opticks Firewall integration, and Opticks Bouncer integration.
📄️ What are some of Opticks best practices?
There are several best practices that you can follow to ensure that you are using Opticks effectively and securely:
📄️ Why the offer page does not open when I click on the Opticks tracking link?
There could be several reasons why the Offer page is not loading when you click on the Opticks tracking link. Here is a list of potential causes, in order of most likely to least likely:
📄️ Where can I find the general status of the service?
You can check the general status of the service at https://status.optickssecurity.com/.