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Trigger description and IDs

IdGroup NameDescription
1Repeated usersUsers are trying to disguise themselves between reloads
2Header InjectionsHeader data is being tampered
3Harmful applicationsMalicious software related triggers
4Non-reputable IP addressesIPs flagged as non reputable for several reasons
5Proxy TrafficTraffic utilizing proxies
6IframeTraffic utilizing iframe technology
7Suspicious acquisitionUsers acquired using suspicious practices
8Adult acquisitionAdult Traffic
9Suspicious conversion patternsDivergent conversion patterns
48Browser/Device/OS/App TamperingTampering with hardware or software of the device
108Good BotTraffic identifying itself as GIVT
IdNameDescriptionBelongs to group
11MSISDN InjectionHeader contains fake MSISDNHeader Injections
13WASPA ListComes from an App known for being malwareHarmful applications
16IP flagged as UnrouteableIP is known for being UnrouteableNon-reputable IP addresses
17IP flagged as OrganizationIP is known for being from an OrganizationNon-reputable IP addresses
18IP flagged for low reputationIP is known for having a low reputationNon-reputable IP addresses
19IP flagged for SpamIP is known for being a source of spamNon-reputable IP addresses
20IP flagged for AbuseIP is known for abusingNon-reputable IP addresses
21IP flagged for AttacksIP is known for doing attacksNon-reputable IP addresses
22IP flagged as AnonymizerIP is known for being an anonymizerNon-reputable IP addresses
23IP flagged as MalwareIP is known for being malwareNon-reputable IP addresses
25VPN proxyIP is known for being a vpn or tor proxyProxy Traffic
26Web proxyIP is known for being a web or public proxyProxy Traffic
27Hosting/CDN proxyIP is known for being a hosting proxyProxy Traffic
31Non-PlayStore APKComes from an App that is not in the Play StoreSuspicious acquisition
32Adult keywords in headersReferer URL contains adult keywordsAdult acquisition
33Click to conversion time anomalyTime anomaly between user interactions and conversion.Suspicious conversion patterns
34CR above low thresholdConversion rate of subpublisher for that offer and traffic source is bigger than the low threshold (default 5%) in the last 2 hoursSuspicious conversion patterns
35CR above high thresholdConversion rate of subpublisher for that offer and traffic source is bigger than the high threshold (default 15%) in the last 2 hoursSuspicious conversion patterns
36Subpublisher CR AnomalyConversion rate of subpublisher for that offer and traffic source compared with the subpublisher general distribution in the last 2 hours has too much differenceSuspicious conversion patterns
51Request tamperingCommunication between our sensor and servers has been alteredHeader Injections
60Automated SoftwareVisitor is performing an automated taskHarmful applications
62OS tamperingVisitor's operating system it's not the one it claims to be.Browser/Device/OS/App Tampering
65User Agent tamperingVisitor's User Agent it's not the one it claims to be.Browser/Device/OS/App Tampering
69Google ProxyIP is known for being a Google proxyProxy Traffic
70Opera Mini ProxyIP is known for being an Opera Mini proxyProxy Traffic
87Invalid App NameThe App name has been manually modifiedHeader Injections
92Bypass attemptIntegrity checksums are broken, revealing attempts to bypass our security measures.Header Injections
101Browser does not support javascriptBrowser does not support javascriptBrowser/Device/OS/App Tampering
102Old generation browserBrowser version is very old and lacks basic capabilities.Browser/Device/OS/App Tampering
109FacebookBotVisitor is identified as Facebook BotGoodBot
110GoogleBotVisitor is identified as Google BotGoodBot
111YandexBotVisitor is identified as Yandex BotGoodBot
112PinterestBotVisitor is identified as Pinterest BotGoodBot
113BingBotVisitor is identified as Bing BotGoodBot
115OutbrainBotVisitor is identified as Outbrain BotGoodBot
116TaboolaBotVisitor is identified as Taboola BotGoodBot
118GenericBotVisitor identifies as a bot by itself but doesn't fall in any of the other categoriesGoodBot
119GoodBotConversionVisitor is a good bot but convertedSuspicious conversion patterns