📄️ Use a Tag Manager to integrate OpticksJS
Here there is a list of the most common tag managers with detailed instructions on how to integrate Opticks:
📄️ Opticks' Integration Process Overview
Opticks is a security platform built for performance marketing. It dissects your traffic and identifies where fraudulent traffic is coming from. That way you can block visits before they become a problem and know which sub-sources are putting your business at risk.
📄️ Integrate through OpticksJS
OpticksJS is a tool that analyzes website visitors and decides if they should be allowed to continue based on rules set up for your campaign on the Opticks website. There are two steps to integrate OpticksJS: visits and conversions.
📄️ OpticksJS full specification
In this guide you will find the most detailed documentation for OpticksJS integration.
📄️ Use Google Tag Manager to integrate OpticksJS
It's common to use some sort of tool to manage all the javascript snippets from external sources that must be added to a page. One of the most common tools is Google Tag Manager (GTM) and OpticksJS integration is fully compatible with it.
📄️ Security Checks documentation
This document contains the technical specifications to use Opticks Security Checks via Server to Server integration. For further clarifications feel free to reach us at tech@optickssecurity.com
📄️ Integrate through Opticks Firewall
Guide to help you understand how the redirection flow works and how to set up your campaigns to integrate with Opticks
📄️ Integrate through Opticks Bouncer
It is possible to protect a page with Opticks by redirecting traffic to the Opticks platform before displaying the protected page. This integration method has advantages over an OpticksJS integration and the Opticks Firewall integration.