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Integrate through OpticksJS

OpticksJS is a tool that analyzes website visitors and decides if they should be allowed to continue based on rules set up for your campaign on the Opticks website. There are two steps to integrate OpticksJS: visits and conversions.

To integrate visits, you need to insert a small piece of code to the header of your website. This piece of code will then connect to the Opticks servers, analyze each visitor, and decide if they should be allowed to continue, based on the rules you've set up for your campaign on the Opticks website.

Similarly, the OpticksJS conversions integration is performed by inserting a small piece of code to the conversion event at your webpage. This piece of code will inform Opticks that a conversion has been made and must include the opticks click_id to identify the conversion. To get the Opticks click_id, you need to capture the response from the OpticksJS script.

In both integration steps, you can insert the code directly to the webpage itself or you can use a Tag manager (Google Tag Manager, Adobe Tag Manager, etc.).

For traffic segmentation purposes you can add extra information to the visit by adding URL parameters to the Sensor JS script. If you want to be able to visualize that extra information you can use var1 var2 var3 and var4 parameters to store it and make it available at your analytics dashboard.

For technical instructions on how to integrate OpticksJS step by step please click here


You can enhance your Opticks integration by adding the server to server Security Check to increase the level of your protection or you can also link your external data with Opticks with Opticks to cross-reference it with Opticks analyses for an in-deep assessment of a particular visit.