Integrate through Opticks Firewall
Guide to help you understand how the redirection flow works and how to set up your campaigns to integrate with Opticks
Integration with Opticks Firewall is fairly simple, it's a matter of redirecting the traffic from your publishers to your Campaign on Opticks instead of sending it directly to your Offer's landing page.
Opticks works by analyzing the traffic that wants to reach your Offer landing pages, thus traffic needs to be redirected to Opticks before it's sent to your landing page.
Let's apply this to a practical example. Say you have a publisher which sends you traffic to one of your offers. Currently the traffic flow may look something like this:
Since Opticks needs to sit in front of your Offer to analyse the traffic for suspicious activities, the flow should now look like this:
The change is simply that everything passes through Opticks, both traffic and conversion postbacks.
In order to set this integration up, you need to:
Make sure you have created a Traffic Source. This is simply a way of tracking where your traffic comes from. All you need is to give it a name and a postback URL where Opticks will automatically report payouts.
Make sure you have created an Offer. This basically means telling Opticks where to redirect traffic to and how to track revenues for conversions.
Once both the above prerequisites are satisfied, you can go ahead and create your Campaign. A Campaign is simply associating an Offer to a Traffic Source, or in other words, defining where the traffic comes from, and where it needs to be redirected to. For every campaign you create Opticks will give you a unique URL where you need to tell your Traffic Source or publisher to send traffic to. Opticks takes care of the redirection to your Offer's landing page which you've already configured in the Offer.
That's pretty much it. Everything else happens automatically. Whenever Opticks receives conversion postbacks from you, it will forward them to the Traffic Source at the URL you stored in the Traffic Source configuration and report the payout you configured on the Campaign level.
In any case, we recommend to integrate our server to server Security Check to increase the level of your protection. Ask your representative about this advanced feature and how can it help your business.