📄️ A quick intro to Offers
An Offer is how you set up where you want to redirect traffic to once Opticks analyses the visit to assess fraud risk levels. In other words, it's where you tell Opticks the landing page URL for your offer and how you want to track the revenues for said offer.
📄️ Create a new Offer
- On your Opticks Back Office click on "New Offer" option under the "Offers" menu on the left navigation bar.
📄️ See a list of existing Offers
- On your Opticks Back Office click on "Offers List" option under the "Offers" menu on the left navigation bar.
📄️ Pause, edit or clone an existing Offer
- On your Opticks Back Office click on "Offers List" option under the "Offers" menu on the left navigation bar.
📄️ Add Labels to your Offers
In order to add a Label to a new or an existing Offer, you can do so by clicking the label icon next to the Offer name.
📄️ Apply a daily capping of conversions
Applying a capping of conversions ensures that, given peaks of conversions, you are still in full control of your acquisitions.
📄️ Apply scheduling rules
- You can configure "Offer Scheduling" when creating a new Offer or editing an existing one.
📄️ Keep track of revenues
Opticks offers you the capability to track the revenues generated through your campaigns.